
Online Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Outreach: 

  1. My Complex Analysis online book was recently included in the Learning Resources for the Vector Calculus and Complex Analysis course at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. (Aug 2024)
  2. Domain coloring online tools are used as learning resources in the course Complex Analysis at The Universtity of Queensland, Australia. (2018-)
  3. Seminario de Innovación Docente, Universidad da Coruña: Diseño e Integración de Applets Interactivos de Matemáticas y Actividades de Aprendizaje en la Universidad de Queensland. [Teaching Innovation Seminar, University of Coruña: Design and Integration of Interactive Mathematics Applets and Learning Activities at the University of Queensland.] (Jul 2024)
  4. Featured Aizawa interactive applet for the Chaotic-AUR website. (Jun 2024)
  5. Teaching & Learning Seminar at the University of New South Whales: A didactic proposal for applying matrix diagonalisation. (May 2024)
  6. Decoding Math's Most Famous Fractal: The Mandelbrot Set. (Jan 2024)
  7. UQ Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (Nov 2023)
    • Category: Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning For creating dynamic online simulations that visualise complex mathematical ideas embedded across UQ courses and used globally as an open-access educational resource.
      UQ news link: Celebrating the synergy in excelent teaching.
  8. University of Waterloo: PMATH352 Domain Coloring mathNEWS 153 Issue 2 pp. 16-17.
  9. Queensland Mathematics Summer School UQ (13 Jan 2023)
  10. AUSTMS/AMSI Teaching Seminar (25 Aug 2022)
  11. Video featuring my Complex Analysis online book: Fluid Flow: Simple and Complex by Marcus Berg, Karlstad University
  12. Herenga Delta (22-25 Nov 2021)
  13. My Complex Analysis online book was included in the Australian Council of Deans of Science's repository as a teaching and assessment resource to support online learning (Mar 2021).
  14. FYiMaths Forum (8-9 Jul 2021)
  15. FYIMaths (16 Dec 2020)
  16. Mathematical Educational Software Interest Group (11 Dec 2020)

Online Conference (Spanish):

  1. 6to Congreso Internacional de Matemática Educativa (7 Sep 2020)

Online GeoGebra workshops (Spanish):

  1. V Jornadas de GeoGebra Valencia (19 Nov 2021)
  2. Clases de Objetos y Colores Dinámicos  (11 Nov 2020)
  3. Curvas Misteriosas (29 Oct 2020)
  4. Representación de funciones complejas en GeoGebra. (20 Dec 2019)

Math symbols falling. See it with music here